A-Level Chemistry Tutoring


How are students caught off guard by A-Level Chemistry?

Chemistry at A-level is intriguing and complex, combining both theory-based calculation and conceptual explanation in the Chemistry A-Level exam format. The mixture of analytical and theoretical problems that require application of several skill-sets can create confusion for students. Our expert and professional A-Level Chemistry tutors identify and fix your child’s knowledge gaps and misconceptions, giving them the confidence needed to excel under exam conditions. 

Of greater concern is that, while schools generally deliver the theory during lessons, our A-Level Chemistry tutors report that schools are unable to effectively guide each candidate to utilize keywords and present calculations and step-by-step deduction clearly. Since much of the mark scheme at A-Level Chemistry requires students to show complete working and understand the knowledge they have learnt in classes through their keyword presentation, lack of exam technique will prevent students from getting a good grade.

Accurately conveying complex concepts such as redox, rate of reaction, and organic reactions is a difficult task. Models and diagram analysis, such as for kinetics, also form a core part of the curriculum and pose a significant challenge for many students. Due to the nature of class sizes, many schools are unable to support their candidates in meeting these difficult challenges. Luckily, BartyED is here to support your child with expert A-Level Chemistry tutoring.

How is BartyED’s Chemistry tuition approach unique?

Starting with an assessment of each student’s individual strengths and weaknesses, our A-Level Chemistry tutors can teach online or in-person at our centre, to support a candidate’s mastery of the curriculum. Each of our Chemistry tutors are highly experienced and focus on building knowledge of abstract theories in a way that makes sense.

Consolidating both theoretical underpinnings and developing students practical skills such as chemical computation enables students to tackle the A-Level Chemistry exam with confidence.   

  • Our A-Level Chemistry tutors keep abreast of the latest developments in both the curriculum and Chemistry more broadly. This enables BartyED tutors to tackle Chemistry with a fresh approach. BartyED’s Chemistry tutors have experience teaching A-Level and keep up with the latest curriculum and broader Chemistry advances, to bring a truly fresh approach to Chemistry for students. BartyED can confidently say that our A-Level Chemistry tuition is unique and unparalleled.

  • As our A-Level Chemistry tutoring is an individualised process, we are able to cater to neurodiverse students of all academic abilities. Whether they have encountered Chemistry before, or not, our tutors can meet them in their own home or tutor online. It is this guarantee of excellence supported by the fact that tutors undergo their own assessments and are encouraged to sit the A-Levels themselves to maintain the best quality.

We always look forward to results day because we are confidently able to predict our students’ performance. Consistent demand for excellence from our candidates supports them in surpassing their targets and achieving stellar results. The latter speak for themselves and reinforce our belief that BartyED Chemistry tutors are best-in-class.

A great result in Chemistry A-Level greatly opens up opportunities for further academic study at international institutions and scientific fields. Further study at UK Red Brick institutions and US Ivy League schools is within your grasp. Our tutors push their charges and know when to lean in and support them in understanding how to get the grades that truly reflect their determination and potential.

For A-Level Chemistry tutoring and BartyED’s unparalleled A-Level Chemistry tutors, contact us today on email or through the phone (2882 1017).

Find out more about the A-Level subjects we tutor:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why study A-Level Chemistry?

A-Level Chemistry covers a wide range of basic concepts such as atom structure, interaction of matter and energy, and carbon-based molecules. BartyED’s A-Level Chemistry tutors notes that the A-Level Chemistry course helps you develop research, problem solving, and analytical skills. It also consolidates the ability to challenge ideas and inculcates the use of logic and step-by-step reasoning to reach conclusions. 

Is A-Level Chemistry more difficult than IB Chemistry?

No, due to coursework requirements and more difficult exam questions, IB Chemistry is generally considered to be more difficult than A-Level Chemistry according to our A-Level Chemistry tutors.  

What career pathways are possible if I take IB Chemistry?  

Our A-Level Chemistry tutors reports that there are many options open to you, the following are only a few of the possibilities:

  • Academic researcher

  • Analytical chemist

  • Biotechnologist

  • Chemical engineer

  • Clinical scientist

  • Forensic scientist

  • Nanotechnologist

  • Pharmacologist

  • Toxicologist

How good does my Maths need to be in order to take A-Level Chemistry?

In order to score highly in A-Level Chemistry, students must have acquired competence in various areas of mathematics such as exponential and logarithmic functions, convert between units, and calculating ratios. Overall, at least 20% of the marks in assessments for chemistry will require the use of mathematical skills. Maths is not the be-all and end-all of Chemistry, but according to our expert A-Level Chemistry tutors, a basic competence in Maths will only be to your advantage.