ADHD Tutoring


Learning Support with an ADHD Tutor

Every school has children who present with a deficit in attention, and who may be hyperactive. When this behaviour interferes with school and family relationships, it can result in a diagnosis of ADHD. ADHD is divided into three main types: inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type, and combination type.

Finding a tutor who understands the mechanics of ADHD can be difficult, since a mentoring strategy is crucial for development. So what is it that makes a BartyED ADHD tutor so effective?

How a BartyED Tutor Helps with ADHD

BartyED’s ADHD tutoring programmes target the mechanics of this learning difference by understanding the unique neurology of each student. Factors such as diet, sleep, medication, exercise, and daily habits must be figured with the student’s independent study skills, work ethic, and organisational skills.

The ADHD tutor usually intervenes in a particular area, such as English/Humanities, and writes an assessment feedback report outlining the student’s strengths, limitations, and prospects for progress. To learn more about how a tutor tackles learners with ADHD, we can take two archetypal examples: 

Student One: A quiet girl struggling at school

The professional ADHD tutor tackles a case of diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD, since the learner presents with distractedness, poor memory retention, and little if any academic interest—she does not present with hyperactivity. The tutor builds rapport by exploring tangential areas of interest and creating an atmosphere of empathy, while also addressing organisational skills. The ADHD tutor helps revise material more slowly and thoroughly, while providing targeted support for key skills such as grammar awareness. 

Student Two: An otherwise well-adjusted young adult

BartyED’s professional ADHD interventions often see the tutor mentoring a teenager who is otherwise polite and sociable, but struggles inordinately with executive tasks. Additionally, he presents with hyperactivity, constantly struggling to sit still. The ADHD tutor recommends strategies for the child to cope with ADHD, and assists in planning out tasks step by step. Often, students with ADHD feel apprehensive about tackling gargantuan tasks such as school projects; the ADHD tutor understands this, and also provides targeted support for academic improvement.

The Secret in ADHD 

Although it is not a well-kept secret, many people fail to understand that students with ADHD are perfectly capable of concentrating on a single task for an extended period of time—they just need to be personally invested in it. No one knows this better than a BartyED ADHD tutor, and we work towards this. Our tutors have seen learners of all ages who were previously repulsed by schoolwork having their eureka moments in class, excitedly completing an academic assignment when previously they would have bristled at the notion. The right ADHD tutor understands this mentoring-themed foot in the door—we don’t stop until we get there. 

If you would like to learn more about how our mentoring and tutoring programmes for ADHD help families in Hong Kong and overseas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone (2882 1017) or email us.