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IB Chinese Tips

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As with all IB subjects, IB Chinese is rigorous and challenging, but a fantastic learning opportunity. The subject itself consists of three streams, the first is IB Chinese A, and the second is Chinese B, and the third is Chinese Ab Initio. Both IB Chinese A and IB Chinese B can be taken at Higher or Standard Level, while IB Chinese Ab Initio, as it is for those with little to no experience with Chinese, is delivered at Standard Level only.

For Chinese A, contextual and literary understanding are the main focuses of the course. Students need to demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between literature and society, as well as their ability to appreciate literature.

IB Chinese B and Ab Initio employs topic-based learning (language acquisition). Through exploring various topics, students will enhance their spoken and written Chinese and understand the Chinese culture, thus preparing them to communicate and express themselves fluently in the exam.

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Studying any subject at IB level is a challenge. The IB is notorious for its high workload and the expectation placed on young learners to produce high quality coursework. Moreover, the IB examination papers are as difficult. Consequently, IB candidates often struggle with organising their work and managing their time. Such difficulties are not limited to IB Chinese, but occur across the entire IBDP.

With regard to IB Chinese specifically, students struggle with the course content for a number of reasons. Those studying IB Chinese A should have an in-depth knowledge of their selected books, also having the ability to connect the main themes of these books to society at large. Consequently, significant language-skills are required to excel in IB Chinese A. Students must have a wide ranging vocabulary and suitable written language skills, being able to structure cohort and engaging long form responses. Similarly, for IB Chinese B candidates, memorisation of sentence structures and vocabulary is essential to ensure improvement in their Chinese writing and speaking.

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For those studying IB Chinese A, gaining familiarity with their selected reading is essential. Those studying IB Chinese A will not be able to achieve high marks without ensuring that they have an in-depth understanding of their chosen texts. Learners in IB Chinese B and Ab Initio should review elements of structure, as well as vocabulary. Using flashcards can be a particularly effective in this regard.

Most importantly of all, whether studying IB Chinese A or IB Chinese B at either Higher or Standard Level, students must drill exam papers. IB candidates must be up-to-date with the format and style of the exam papers and work with them constantly. Without a thorough understanding of the exam papers, it is difficult to reach the high end of the IB markband.

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All students can benefit from a tutor. Whether taking IB Chinese A, B, or Ab Initio, the knowledge and support of an expert tutor is indispensable. At BartyED, we have supported countless young learners through their IB examinations, including those taking IB Chinese at all levels. Our bespoke tuition meets each individual student where they are, ensure that areas of weakness are targeted for improvements and areas of strength are continuously bolstered. The IB is a significant undertaking for even the most advanced learners, however, it does not have to be taken on alone and our tutors are hear to help. If you or your child could benefit from a IB Chinese tutor, reach out to us today by phone (+852 2882 1017) or email (

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