A-Level History Tips

Understanding A-Level History

The A-Level History course is a fantastic opportunity to delve into the academic discipline of History in considerable depth. Students gain a solid understanding of History as an area of study, and the various skills required to succeed in it. All courses, regardless of exam board, contain both “Depth” and “Breadth” studies and investigations. Depth studies allow students to learn about a topic in substantial detail, and require a deeper understanding of both historical events and the major historiography. By contrast, breadth studies cover a longer period of time, and thus do not require as much detailed knowledge. The focus is more on the historical trends over time, and how historical sources inform our understanding of these events. As such, A-Level History requires a wide range of skills and knowledge in order for young learners to perform at their best.

Acquiring the skills

Success in A-Level History requires students to display an understanding of a variety of skills. This includes a solid grasp on source work and how to accurately and effectively interpret sources. Students must also be able to articulate the value and limitations of a source, and use that in their historical analysis. This helps to demonstrate a strong understanding of historical skills. In addition, students must display detailed and accurate knowledge of historical events and motivations of actors across their papers, as well as showing burgeoning awareness of historiography. All of this requires learners to engage in research across their History A-Level, and the best way to get started on developing those skills is by reading widely. Developing curiosity and awareness of historical interpretations is a key aspect of succeeding in A-Level History.

Avoiding common pitfalls

The most common mistake made in A-Level History is an over-reliance on historical dates and facts over being fully aware of the skills involved in historical research and analysis. Of course, it is important to have a detailed and accurate understanding of History and its topics, but the A-Level places great emphasis on applying that knowledge in both source work and historical essays. Essay writing structure and source analysis are essential components to success in A-Level History. What’s more, having a good overview of historical trends and events helps with developing historical interpretations, which in turn allows for success in History A-Level.

Effective support throughout the course

All young learners deserve effective support throughout their History A-Level. Whether they need to clarify challenging concepts, or simply wish to delve further into History with effective guidance, tutoring can benefit any student. At BartyED, we specialise in building long-term relationships with our students, and History A-Level is no exception. Our team of expert History tutors are well-equipped to offer support throughout any History course, with resources on hand to develop a learner’s knowledge. Get in touch today via phone or email to find out more about how BartyED can offer unparalleled support throughout A-Level History.

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