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IGCSE Economics Tips

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IGCSE Economics provides a great opportunity to gain insight into Economics, and, thus, explore some of the forces that shape our society. IGCSE Economics has only grown in popularity in recent years among students, and it can ignite a lifelong interest in the discipline for its students. However, that is not to say that the subject is easy. IGCSE Economics requires a degree of academic rigour that can leave students confused, especially with the focus on application of theories. Students must learn to use multiple types of study skills together in order to be successful in their study of IGCSE Economics.

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Most IGCSE Economics students will be coming to the subject fresh, with only a cursory understanding at best of the concepts explored in the course. This means that it is a great opportunity for students to get to grips with key economic concepts that will help them throughout their academic career and beyond.

The key to success in IGCSE Economics is remembering that everyone is following the same path as they are introduced to the subject. The aim of the syllabus is to instil good basic knowledge of economics in each student, so that by the end of the course, they have an understanding of the fundamentals. Keeping a careful eye on the course guide and syllabus for the requirements of each paper and question type is a good first step for any student wishing to ace their IGCSE Economics exams.

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Economics is a social science, and like many of the social sciences, success in exams comes down to a student’s knowledge of the case studies. As the aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of the academic discipline, the concepts themselves are often straightforward. The difficulty comes when students are asked to remember seemingly endless case studies.

This is why preparation is essential to success in IGCSE Economics: by doing the work of memorisation slowly and regularly over the whole two year long course, it reduces the workload come revision time. Keeping careful notes from class and writing them out neatly can be a great way to ensure that you have acquired the knowledge you need to get through the exams. It will also help you identify weaker areas, and where you need greater support to ensure your success.

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When it comes to supporting students in IGCSE Economics, our goal is to ensure the mastery of the skills required for success across the IGCSE curriculum. At BartyED, we are aware of how the skills cross over between subjects, meaning that effective and targeted support in one area will have benefits in other subjects. Our team of expert tutors are well equipped to teach both the content and skills required for success in IGCSE Economics. Get in touch with us via phone at (+852) 2882 1017 or email us at to find out more about how we can guide you to success in IGCSE Economics.

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