IB Physics and How to Get Ahead

IB Physics is one of the most intensive courses in the Diploma Programme, with exams to match. That’s why BartyED’s IB Physics tutors are here to offer some tips to help you get ahead in your studies.

Tip #1: Take smarter notes

Although time consuming and often tedious, taking detailed notes throughout the IB Physics course is essential to achieve high marks in the exam. Employing the use of flashcards can also prove effective in helping to revise formulae and definitions. However, before getting started, it’s important to understand that taking effective notes does not mean producing a facsimile of the textbook. Notes should be structured around the IB Physics syllabus, to ensure that all possible exam content is covered. It is also useful to read the examiner’s reports of past IB papers, as well as examining mark schemes, to gain an understanding of particular areas of difficulty.

Tip #2: Refine your maths skills

Mathematics plays a far greater role in the IB Physics exam than it does in Biology or Chemistry.  Questions often require complex unit conversions that can prove challenging. Consequently, it is important for students to brush up on their mathematical skills ahead of exam time. Similar to note taking, drilling maths can be tiresome, but it is essential. Even if students have a solid foundational knowledge of the subject content, time must be spent on bolstering maths skills. Be sure to practice topic-specific questions involving calculation after revising each topic. Most importantly, focus on details and mistakes. It is only by doing so that errors can be understood and improvements can be made. 

Tip #3: Make use of past papers

It may seem redundant, but it still bears mentioning: students must spend time working on past IB Physics exam papers. While making notes and flashcards and refreshing mathematical skills are all important, without regular engagement with past exam papers, students cannot expect to achieve top tier scores. It is integral that students consolidate their ability to answer numerous question types, particularly those involving explanation of concepts. Additionally, practising varying question types from past papers helps students make note of command words and gain a greater understanding of what it is they are being asked to do, which allows them to achieve higher scores in the IB Physics exam. 

Tip #4: Assess yourself and take your time

Self-assessment is essential to effective revision. When studying, students should take note as to how they are performing in each topic on the IB Physics course syllabus. By doing so, candidates can establish what they know and are confident in, and what needs more work. While it might be tempting to speed through the course content and start working on past exam papers, students should only move on to the next topic when they understand everything that came before. The IB Physics course is structured in such a way that it builds on theories and concepts as students move forward. Without ensuring consolidation of each of these concepts, moving forward is fruitless and can cause significant problems down the road. 

Need more help with IB Physics?

Hopefully, these tips will be beneficial to you as you progress through the IB Physics syllabus. IB Physics is a demanding course, and best managed with the help of an experienced tutor. If you feel that you could benefit from extra support, feel free to check out our website for more information on our IB Physics teaching programmes, or reach out today at (852) 2882 1017 or via email at enquiries@bartyed.com

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