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How to approach IB bio genetics

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For all IB students, not only those studying IB biology, the subject guide is essential. The guide gives detailed information on the content of the course in question, in this case, IB biology. It lays out exactly what IB biology students will be studying during their two year diploma, as well as how they will be assessed.  

Examining the IB biology subject guide reveals that the course is (as of 2023) divided into four main themes: 

  • Unity and diversity

  • Form and function

  • Interaction and interdependence

  • Continuity and change

It is the theme of continuity and change that is of interest today. Within this theme is the study of genetics.

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IB biology is a rigorous and challenging course. Even students who are particularly academically gifted and scientifically minded can struggle with IB biology. With regard to genetics, there are a number of common sticking points for IB biology students that our tutors have noticed:

  • Codominance

  • Pedigree charts

  • Chi squared test

Each of these areas of study require a careful and nuanced approach. For example, regarding codominance, IB biology candidates must understand the ABO human blood grouping, yet to improve their knowledge, they should practise with other examples not necessarily within this specification.

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While such a comment may be redundant, the best way to improve is through practice. For those studying IB biology, it is no different. Of course, revision of course material is essential to gain an understanding of the different aspects of genetics, but, beyond this, candidates should have continuous interactions with IB biology past papers or past paper-style questions. Practice should be often and varied. 

Learners can also benefit from an experienced IB biology tutor. A well-trained and knowledgeable tutor can properly communicate course content and devise exam-style questions to challenge those studying IB biology. IB biology tutors can also be a source of motivation for those who are finding the subject particularly challenging.

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At BartyED, our expert team of IB biology tutors have amassed countless hours of teaching experience working with young learners of all academic backgrounds. Whether a student is interested in consolidating foundational knowledge or drilling exam-style questions, our tutors are prepared to help, regardless of the subject. If you or your child are interested in IB biology tuition, or tuition in any IB subject, reach out to us today by phone (+852 2882 1017) or by email ( 

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