Private Online Spanish Tutoring

Why Should You Consider Online Spanish Tuition?

In Hong Kong, we are still grappling with the after-effects of the pandemic and social unrest. In light of this situation, many students have been turning to private tutoring and online resources in order to supplement their disrupted school learning. 

BartyED’s Online Spanish Tutors

Our online Spanish tutors provide first-class support for students at all levels and ages. Both independent learners and those studying Spanish for school are welcome. Through engaging and interactive classes, learners will be able to immerse themselves in the study of an intricate and complex language.

Our online Spanish tutoring curriculum is a comprehensive programme encompassing reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Through real-time online Spanish tutoring by way of screen sharing and document collaboration, tutors and tutees are able to work together in a highly collaborative process. 

Alice: An Online Spanish Tutoring Success

When Alice came to us as an IB Ab Initio Spanish student in Year 13, she was predicted a high 5 out of 7. She considered languages to be her weakest area, especially in comparison to Sciences and Maths. Her school also followed a relatively unstructured programme, which was compounded by her Spanish teacher leaving halfway through the year.

While she was perfectly capable of scoring highly, she was on track for a mediocre grade due to a lack of structured support and online Spanish tutoring.

Our online Spanish tutors noted early on that Alice could speak reasonably well but had a limited vocabulary and struggled to perform in the written component (a deficiency that would set her back in Paper 1).

Our online Spanish tutors immediately instituted a thorough review program that covered the three more advanced topics: Human Ingenuity, Social Organization and Sharing the Planet.  

This was complemented by a fair amount of listening and speaking practice with the online Spanish tutor. Finally, after a structured support programme with our online Spanish tutor, she was able to obtain a 7 overall in IB Ab Initio Spanish. 

Alice’s Spanish online learning journey with our tutors, which brought her to a top institution in the UK, is one of the reasons her younger siblings still study with BartyED’s expert tutors.

We delight in the meaningful relationships we build with our clients, and are proud of our stellar reputation in Hong Kong’s educational community.

Reach out for information about our online Spanish tutors by phone at 2882 1017 or by email

Find out more about the subjects we provide online tuition for: