“Where should I go for university?”

Where to begin

There is a multiplicity of factors to consider when deciding on which university you should go to. It is by no means an easy or light decision, and researching, filtering, and narrowing down a list of suitable universities will be the most critical project tasked to high school students thus far. Indeed, being aware of the gravity of this decision makes it much harder to navigate, since students will second-guess themselves on crucial admissions decisions. Additionally, the piles of generic online advice typically serve to confuse rather than untangle, making the university admissions process much more gruelling than it needs to be.

How useful are rankings?

University rankings don’t determine suitability, but they can aid the university research process if used correctly. Relying on rankings alone is not enough—there is no such thing as an objective ranking, and the weighting of various indicators, such as student satisfaction, use of technology, or employability, is ultimately arbitrary. 

That being said, university rankings can still help approximate suitability for admissions, especially for international students who may not know where to start with the research process. Ranking is related to reputability, which is important for many students in terms of career prospects. Additionally, higher-ranking universities generally have higher entry requirements, which means ranking can be indicative of the academic environment of a particular school. Our expert university admissions consultants’ advice is that university rankings serve as a starting point to finding out what it is that you look for in your undergraduate education, as well as what areas or types of research the university or department broadly specialises in. Then, there are a host of other factors to take into account with regards to whether the university is a good fit for you.

What should I look out for when researching a university?

When researching different universities, there are always a few things to look out for. With the campus specifically, remember to look at the campus environment, living arrangements, and commuting options. Then, with the course, take a close look at module options, and even readings or exams if possible. This gives you a sense of how a university approaches a certain subject, as well as the assessment structure. Another important factor to consider is finance: fees, scholarships, cost of living, and healthcare options. For students prioritising extracurriculars, looking into the university’s teams or clubs, even related scholarship options can be important for admissions. 

What if I still don’t know where to go for university?

This is a very valid question to ask, given the weight of the admissions decision. The truth is, this question is simply too difficult to answer by yourself, and the immense value of an experienced and perceptive university admissions consultant cannot be overstated. Whether refining your application, shortlisting the most suitable universities based on your academic profile and interests, or navigating course options, working with an admissions consultant through the university application process not only makes it less stressful, but increases the chances of successful university admissions. 

BartyED admissions consultants have long been helping students with university applications, whether it is a one-off application polish session or comprehensive university admissions consultancy series. We have extensive experience helping students navigate the US colleges admissions process, including Ivy League schools, as well as the UK UCAS system, placing students at Oxbridge and more. Find out more about our university admissions consultancy services on our website or reach out today to start working with us!

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