Learning differences: BartyED understands

Learning differences and SEN

SEN (Special Educational Needs) are also known as learning differences, and refer to children who struggle with school work more than their peers. There are collections of symptoms which educational psychologists use to diagnose specific problems, the most common being attention (ADHD), reading (dyslexia), and writing (dysgraphia). BartyED’s founders have an intimate awareness of the SEN needs in the international schooling community, and our mission is to provide unparalleled support for everyone tackling a learning difference. 

Common learning differences: ADHD, dysgraphia

When parents reach out for SEN support, it is often after the school flags a child’s development and/or grades. Learners with dysgraphia and ADHD, the most common learning differences in Hong Kong, present their symptoms in diverse ways. ADHD, dysgraphia, and other SEN diagnoses exist independent of a child’s intelligence and dedication to school work. Instead of the stigma of lower grades and feeling different, SEN learners need concrete strategies and close support. With SEN support confident in mentoring the right learning strategies, learning differences can become the quirks and mild impediments of an illustrious scholar. 

How BartyED mentors support SEN, ADHD, and dysgraphia

An SEN diagnosis for learning differences such as ADHD and dysgraphia carries an undeniable stigma. It is a label that tags “differences” and demands first and foremost that SEN students (and parents) make their peace with such a diagnosis. This can be a challenge in itself. Yet SEN students with ADHD and dysgraphia can and do function at a high level, sometimes making it into Oxbridge and Ivy League schools, otherwise nonetheless successfully entering a prestigious university. Through a mentoring approach which emphasises the authenticity of tutor-student interaction, SEN students, whether with ADHD, dysgraphia or other differences, can set themselves on the most straightforward path to success. 

Borderline learning differences

Parents in Hong Kong often reach out to BartyED unsure about what to do about their child. Counsellors may flag a borderline SEN case: your child has some symptoms consistent with an SEN diagnosis, but not all of them, and she can technically function at school. However, there is a disconnect, whether it stems from disinterest and lack of motivation, or poor motivation and concentration skills. This is where BartyED’s SEN support for ADHD and dysgraphia are so helpful. Sometimes diagnoses are unhelpful to a child’s self-esteem. Our mentors are often successful in providing specialized support and improved schooling outcomes without the undue stigma of labeling and medication. 

The right fit

When mentoring SEN students with learning differences, look for an education provider that knows how to mentor ADHD and dysgraphia. While our tutors pass rigorous pre-hiring assessment tests, our in-house training programme on mentoring SEN learners makes us one of Hong Kong’s most credible authorities on learning differences. Whether mentoring a high-functioning SEN student for entrance to Oxford, or supporting a struggling ADHD or dysgraphia student for a dramatic increase in standardized test scores, BartyED is our response to the dearth of support for students with learning differences in Hong Kong. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about what makes us such an authority in the SEN scene! 

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