IGCSE biology tips

Reviewing the biology syllabus

IGCSE biology students, like all those studying for their IGCSEs, often scour the internet for tips to excel in the subject. One of the most important pieces of advice for those new to IGCSE biology, or any other IGCSE subject, is to review the course syllabus. While it may seem like a mundane task, an understanding of the subject syllabus can be highly beneficial. The IGCSE biology syllabus outlines, in some detail, not only what topics will be covered in the course, but also the exact nature of each assessment. By familiarising themselves early on with the syllabus, including essential information regarding assessment, those studying IGCSE biology begin on the right foot, with an understanding of what to expect as their education progresses. 

Make use of mind maps

All learners are unique and approach revision from the perspective of what works best for them. However, some techniques may prove more beneficial than others. Mind maps are often heralded as an essential revision technique for IGCSE biology. Mind maps allow IGCSE biology to students to better visualise the link between related topics. By creating such visual learning tools, those studying IGCSE biology can better understand the interrelatedness of what is discussed in their biology lessons. Scientific concepts do not exist in a vacuum, after all. So, to be able to conceptualise these relationships via mind maps can prove beneficial come exam time. 

Examination tips

When it comes time to sit an IGCSE biology exam, there are some essential tips that cannot be overstated. The first is to ensure correct understanding of all command terms. These terms indicate to those sitting their exams the amount of detail a response requires to collect full marks. Once more, students can turn to the IGCSE biology syllabus for a complete list of the command terms and their meanings. Most importantly, students must ensure that they read the question correctly before attempting a response. While this may seem obvious, competent students will often lose marks due to poor comprehension of the exam question.

BartyED and biology support

At BartyED, we have supported countless students through IGCSE biology. Our team of expert biology tutors are experienced in not only course content but relaying essential examination techniques. If you or your child could benefit from targeted and individualised support in IGCSE biology, or any other IGCSE subject, reach out to us today by phone (+852 2882 1017) or email (enquiries@bartyed.com).

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Mark Malone