IB Philosophy help

IB Philosophy: Course Outline

The purpose of the IB Philosophy course is to offer students the tools needed to address questions regarding the nature of humanity, the idea of free will, and concepts of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. While this is indeed a lofty task, IB Philosophy allows students to understand such questions in relation to their own lives. Moreover, students who take the IB Philosophy course engage with texts from both historic and contemporary figures in the field of philosophy so as to gain a greater understanding of these most challenging and universal of questions. 

The IB Philosophy course exists in several components. There is the core theme, entitled ‘Being Human’, and seven optional themes dealing with the concepts such as Aesthetics, Epistemology, and Ethics. IB Philosophy students will examine one prescribed text in detail, and also complete an Internal Assessment (IA). Finally, students will complete externally assessed IB Philosophy examinations. 

The divide between HL & SL

Similar to all IB subjects, there is a divide between HL & SL IB Philosophy. While both subject levels engage with the core philosophy component of  ‘Being Human’, those IB students who are taking Higher Level Philosophy will study two optional components, while their Standard Level counterparts will only study one. 

While both student groups complete an Internal Assessment, HL Philosophy students are required to examine an additional subject component. This is an exploration of philosophical activity. The purpose of this component is to allow Higher Level Philosophy students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject through an examination of the nature, function, methodology, and meaning of philosophy. 

The final substantial difference between HL & SL IB Philosophy is the examination breakdown. As is often common, Higher Level students will engage in an additional paper. Put simply, both HL & SL students will take a Paper 1 and Paper 2 examination, after which Higher Level students will move on to a Paper 3. 

The internal assessment

The IB Philosophy Internal Assessment (IA) is a philosophical analysis of a non-philosophical stimulus. This can be, but is not limited to, a poem, a scene from a film or television show, or a painting. Students must produce an essay of no more than 2000 words, with the IA weighted at  25% of the SL grade, and 20% of the HL grade. 

To achieve full marks in an IB Philosophy IA, students must present structured argumentation, research skills, and nuanced philosophical discussion. A strong personal voice is also required to reach the top level of the mark band. Finally, and most importantly, Philosophy students must be sure to refer to their stimulus text throughout their analysis. It is this text that drives the argument forward.

Exam breakdown

As mentioned previously, both study levels must take two compulsory exam papers. It is only the HL Philosophy students that take a third paper. Paper 1 contains questions based on the core and optional themes studied by students at both levels, and Paper 2 focuses on students’ prescribed texts. Paper 3, which is reserved for Higher Level Philosophy students only, is made up of essay questions based on an unseen text. Consequently, it is necessary that HL students work diligently in this regard, practicing analyses of unseen texts to ensure they are fully prepared for Paper 3. 

How to reach a 7

The desire to reach a 7 is ubiquitous among HL & SL Philosophy students, and their parents. How to achieve such a result is another story. Although intellectually stimulating, the IB Philosophy course can often prove conceptually challenging for students. The ideas discussed are, more often than not, weighty and intractable. Coupled with coursework, readings, and revision for exams, students can easily feel overwhelmed. Consequently, an experienced tutors can prove the deciding factor in a student reaching a 7. 

BartyED has nearly a decade of experience coaching students to a 7 in IB Philosophy. Our expert tutors work closely with students to guide them through the challenges inherent to their prescribed texts, as well as aiding them in the task of completing their Internal Assessment coursework, and revising for exams. If you or your child wishes to reach the highest level of the IB Philosophy mark band, reach out today via our phone number (2882 1017) or email address (enquiries@bartyed.com).

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