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How to tackle a Maths IA

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Whether an IB student is taking IB Maths AA (analysis and approaches) or IB Maths AI (applications and interpretation) an IA must be completed. The IA, or Internal Assessment, is characterised as a ‘mathematical exploration’ during which IB Maths students come to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of Maths. What this translates to, in practical terms, is a report of between 12 and 20 pages on a topic chosen by the individual IB Maths student. The report should take care to emphasise mathematical communication (i.e. formulae, diagrams, graphs, tables) and meet a number of district criteria. The IB Maths IA is, indeed, a challenging piece of coursework that even the most capable of IB Maths students struggle to complete satisfactorily.

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As with any IB-related piece of coursework, stumbling blocks are innumerable as different students present different strengths and weaknesses. However, in the case of IB Maths, certain issues appear to recur. It has been noted that IB Maths students, both AA and AI, Standard and Higher Level, often struggle to properly utilise the data that they have collected through the course of their investigation. If, however, they have succeeded in analysing their findings, it commonly lacks the necessary depth to score highly on Criterion C (personal engagement) or Criterion E (use of mathematics).

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Although supremely challenging for young learners, it is possible to achieve high marks in the IB Maths IA. To do so, IB Maths students must familiarise themselves with what it is they are being marked on. This may seem elementary, yet it is all too common that IB candidates are not familiar with their subjects’ study guides. A lack of familiarity with what is expected from a piece of coursework near guarantees an inability to meet the criteria. Consequently, before and during the research, development, and writing process, IB Maths students should pay close attention to the relevant subject guide and what they need to include within their work to achieve the highest possible marks in each of the five criteria (Presentation; Mathematical Communication; Personal Engagement; Reflection; Use of Mathematics).

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The International Baccalaureate is a rigorous exam board. It tests students at every possible level and can prove difficult to take on alone. That’s why more and more young learners are looking for experienced assistance.

At BartyED, our team of expert Maths tutors are here to help. Our tutors have supported countless students throughout the IB years, working closely with candidates to craft their Maths IA. Whether it is with the Internal Assessment in particular or any other aspect of IB Maths, BartyED’s tutors are prepared to support students to achieve their goals.

If you or your child could benefit from a BartyED tutor, contact us today by phone (2882 1017) or via email (

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