Applying to universities in Canada?

Why Canada?

Hong Kong students often have aspirations to study at Canadian universities, and it is easy to see why. The country is the second largest in the world, and has a wide variety of top-ranked universities in bustling cities. Canada is welcoming to international students, and it presents a range of opportunities for any international student, both academically and in extracurriculars. What’s more, Canada is a beautiful country to live in, with dramatic landscapes and cultural centres – there is truly something for everyone to enjoy. This means that international students will get the most out of their university experience.

What are Canadian universities like?

Canada boasts a wide range of universities and tertiary institutions for international students. From top-flight research universities such as University of Toronto, McGill University and McMaster, to vocational schools, there’s an option for every student. Candidates apply to study a programme at a university, and the process for such an application varies according to the province, and even according to individual universities. Canada does not have a centralised application process like the UK, and so it is up to each province to determine their process.

What is the application process?

As said above, the university application process varies according to the province. For example, 7 out of 10 provinces do not have a set application process, meaning that candidates need to check the university website for the details of documentation required and deadlines. It is up to the university’s discretion whether or not they require candidates to complete an essay portion. Some require a personal statement, others simply request background information on the applicant. This is why it is essential that candidates read the requirements carefully before beginning their application, so that they are fully prepared to provide the required documents.

Applying for a student visa

Once a candidate has received their offer from their chosen university, they then have to begin the process of applying for a student visa.

This often requires a number of documents, including proof of identity and financial stability, as well as proof of acceptance. In addition, candidates may need a letter of explanation, which will detail the candidate’s reasons for wanting to attend university in Canada. The Canadian government claims to process most applications (if they are complete) within a month, but of course it is always wise to ensure that the application is submitting well in advance of a candidate’s departure to Canada. To facilitate the visa application process, it is best to ensure that all documents are submitted with the initial application, and that all communication from the Canadian visa office is answered promptly and fully. Depending on an applicant’s passport, and the university that they wish to attend, they may also need to perform a standardised English or French language test.

How can university admissions consultants help?

BartyED prides itself on its successful approach to admissions consultancy. The initial session with the student (and parent) helps our admissions team identify what the applicant is looking for, in order to discern the best application strategy. We aim to meet the expectations of both parent and child, and get everyone on the same page before the application process even begins.

Our multilingual consultancy services in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin ensure that our applicants receive the best possible support in their university application. This includes guiding the candidate through every step of the application process, including for Canadian universities. For information about our admissions consultancy programmes, take a look at our website. If you are ready to work on your applications with an expert BartyED admissions consultant or SAT/ACT tutor, feel free to contact us today at (852) 2882 1017 or

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