A-Level Physics tips

Consolidate foundational knowledge

A-Level Physics, as one would expect, is a challenging subject. Even for the most academically-inclined of A-Level students, the Physics curriculum can pose considerable obstacles. Thus, it is common for learners to focus their energies on areas of the A-Level Physics course that are considered to be more troublesome. While this is completely understandable, it is important that, when revising, attention is also paid to consolidating foundational knowledge.

It is all too easy to take more “basic” aspects of the A-Level Physics curriculum for granted. Equally so, it is all too easy, in a moment of panic during an exam, to forget the more foundational concepts. Consequently, thorough revision should not only target areas of the course recognised as more challenging, but also the fundamental aspects of the A-Level Physics curriculum.

The importance of note-taking

Note-taking is of paramount importance for A-Level Physics students. Unfortunately, notes are often dashed off in a flurry when prompted by a teacher or ignored altogether. Making study notes is necessary because it allows learners to engage with the material more personally, formulating it in such a way that speaks to their learning style. Moreover, by establishing good note-taking practice during A-Levels, students are developing skills that will be of great benefit when they enter university. With regard to A-Level Physics, quality notation is an absolute necessity as, during examinations, students will be expected to draw clear and well-labelled diagrams. If this has not been practised and refined over time, marks may be lost needlessly.

Using formula

While memorising formulas comprises a necessary part of A-Level Physics revision, it is not as simple as it might seem. Those sitting the A-Level Physics exam will often spend time making flashcards or using other mnemonic tools to assist in the recollection of necessary formulas, and all of this is well and good. However, it is equally important that those studying A-Level Physics practise implementing these formulas. To do so, learners should engage with A-Level Physics past papers. Questions have differing requirements and so it is vital that students can interpret what the question is in need so as to apply the correct formula. It is not enough to simply sub in values.

Asking for help

As previously stated, A-Level Physics is an academically taxing curriculum. Coupled with the intense pressure students are saddled with, be it from their family, friends, the school community or themselves, many gifted learners feel the strain of A-Level Physics. Asking for help, therefore, is the single best piece of advice that can be given and at BartyED we are here to help. Our tutors have guided scores of young learners through the A-Level examinations in Physics, as well as Biology and Chemistry. If you or your child could benefit from bespoke A-Level Physics lessons delivered by expert tutors then reach out to us today by phone (+852 2882 1017) or email (enquiries@bartyed.com).

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A-Levels, PhysicsMark Malone