A-Levels Private and Online Tutoring


A-Level tutoring and the exam format: What can go wrong for candidates?

A-Levels are designed to be challenging. Some of our most frequent requests are for experienced A-Level tutors and subject-specific A-Level tutoring. It is often difficult accustoming a student to the leap from GCSE or MYP to succeed in A-Level and tutoring strategies are not always straightforward.

The exam format means that those who have become used to submitting coursework and sitting shorter exams may find the longer exams and in depth essay-based assessments more difficult. Indeed, they often don’t know how to begin structuring an essay or consolidating new content without private A-Levels tutoring. Even a student who succeeded at GCSE or MYP often finds the jump to A-Levels overwhelming as they lack the planning, preparation and rigour of analysis required to succeed.

Understanding how to plan and structure a 30-mark essay to be written in 45 minutes can be daunting for the candidate who has generally not engaged with responses over 8-12 marks. The advantage of BartyED’s A-Levels in-person and online tutoring is that BartyED tutors help develop a student’s confidence in dealing with new challenges and independently writing a well-structured essay that meets the examiners’ expectations.

What are the advantages of BartyED A-Level Tutors?

BartyED provides cutting-edge, bespoke A-Level tutoring and mentoring that builds confidence and meets the latest guidance on the A-Level exams format. 

  1. Cutting edge knowledge

    BartyED’s A-Level tutors are graduates of A-Level programmes from English and Humanities, to Science and Maths. This allows our A-Level tutors direct insight into a student’s experience and ensures they will meet the grade. Our A-Levels tutors’ ongoing research, dedicated curriculum resource development, and further education (trained teachers comprise our team) ensure our tutoring programs help candidates excel.

  2. Bespoke guidance

    Our A-Levels in-person and online tutoring is customised to suit each individual’s unique needs and competencies. That means assessing and teaching to their specific, neurodiverse learner profile and supplementing the strengths and weaknesses of their school experience with targeted A-Level tuition.

  3. Best-in-class reading and writing support

    Meeting the A-Level exams format has never been more important. Our A-Level tutors are ready to support students in developing their skills and learning to write essays that meet rigorous standards. Whether by A-Level online tutoring or A-Level in-person tutoring, our private tuition ensures exam and essay success for Hong Kong candidates.

Our in-person and online A-Levels tutoring programs delivers results. For our academically-minded students, we mentor them for A*s in all subjects, and for neurodiverse learners we ensure that they achieve their targets to support their university applications.

Those who struggle to structure their writing effectively also see significant improvement as they know exactly what to write for the right grade. Our uncompromising A-Level tuition supported one student who was predicted a D in securing a B and a place at a top international university Law programme. This is what BartyED A-Level tutoring is all about.

For more information about our private and online A-Level tutoring and BartyED’s A-Level tutors, get in touch today by email or by phone (2882 1017).

Find out more about the A-Level subjects we tutor:

Frequently Asked Questions

Which A levels should my children choose?

The A-Levels they choose now will impact what university courses they can apply to. Our A-Levels tutors believe it is important to consider a few things when choosing a course: what classes they enjoy, what courses they are good at, and what career they would like to pursue in the future. If they wish to pursue a career in business for example, it will be useful to take Business Studies, Economics, and Maths, or a foreign language. Remember to check entry requirements!

However, it is not always immediately obvious what the best combination of classes may be for your child, especially if they are not sure what they wish to pursue. Ongoing and early support from our private A-Levels tutors will help students remain calm and confident over their learning abilities.  Different universities may state preferences for particular A-Level subjects: for example, the University of Sheffield has a list of A-Level courses they prefer, and LSE have ‘non-preferred’ subject lists. If Student A wants to keep her options open, university entry requirements are maximised with Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, Geography, History, and Languages.

Are A levels better than IB?

A-Levels emphasises specialisation much more than the IB does, which may be better suited for some learners. For A-Levels, there are no compulsory courses or extra components, and students take around three to four subjects. The IB, on the other hand, is known for being more all-rounded: all are required to take a total of six classes in Languages, Maths, Science, and Humanities/Social Sciences, and there are three compulsory components (the Theory of Knowledge course; a Creativity, Action, Service component; an Extended Essay).

A-Levels are part of the British education system, so those who take A-Levels typically hope to study in a UK university. However, you can still apply for US universities with A-Levels (and UK universities with IB), so whether it is better depends purely on the desire for further specialisation. Parents have found that the advice and support of an educational consultant is valuable at this stage, and our experienced BartyED A-Levels tutors are here to help you figure out the best fit.

Where can my children sit A-Levels in Hong Kong? 

As of 2020, there are ten secondary schools that offer A-Levels in Hong Kong. These are California School, Discovery Bay International School, Harrow International Hong Kong, Kellett School (Kowloon Bay), Korean International School, and Sear Rogers International School.

Other schools offering A Levels include Diocesan Girls' School, St Paul's Convent School (Secondary Section), and YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College. BartyED also offers comprehensive private A-Levels tutoring programmes for candidates who wish to sit A-levels in Hong Kong.

Will sitting A levels support an application for a UK university?

Yes, A-Levels are a part of the British education system, so are easy to use when considering applications, weighing up UCAS points, and reviewing entry requirements. UK Universities are international centres of education and so accept applications from most educational backgrounds.

Can I go to a university in the US with A levels?

Yes, A-Levels are internationally recognised and respected and so should not affect the ability of an applicant to study at a US university. However, applicants must remember that almost all applicants to US universities are expected to complete and pass an entrance exam, usually the ACT or SAT. Applicants to US universities are recommended not only to pursue BartyED A-Level tutoring, but one of our specialised ACT/SAT tutoring programmes as well.

When do A-Level exams take place? 

The time and dates of A-Level exams vary year to year depending on a number of factors, although they almost always occur during May and June at the end of the academic year. Our A-Levels online and in-person tuition programmes will help your child prepare for the exams by developing their revision strategies, time management and subject knowledge.